Ordering Information

If you are interested in ordering an instrument from Livermore Guitars, contact Dave directly. The process will likely take about six months from start to finish (depending on whether it is during the school year or summer or there’s a pandemic spreading around the world.)

We will first put together a build sheet that lets you specify all the details of the instrument from size/shape to woods used, finish material, nut width, and all the other small stuff that goes into or onto your guitar.

Base Price in 2021 is $2500. Price includes just about any combination of common materials, (mahogany, spruce, East Indian Rosewood, Cedar, etc….) If you want rare wood like Alpine Moon Spruce or Brazilian Rosewood, we would talk about upcharges. Wood Binding and marquetry purfling would be included, but shell inlay will require a lot of extra labor and the material is expensive so there would be upcharge for that as well. Sound ports are standard on all instruments.

A 30% deposit is required before a build will be started. Once started the deposit is non-refundable.

Gurantees/Refunds. Because this is both art, craft and science, I will guarantee you a guitar you can be happy with. If you find that you didn’t get what you ordered, we will make every effort to make good on the issue. That includes starting over if we have to go that route. Refunds will only be discussed or considered if another buyer can be secured for the instrument.